Over the last few years, the ‘perfect’ body image no longer seems to exist. As a society we have learnt to embrace the diversity of women’s bodies, loving every shape, size and skin colour there is. The trend of being supermodel skinny is slowly dying and women are realising to love all the little imperfections

Using social media influencers as a marketing tactic is a very popular and effective method to reach a large audience and increase brand awareness. Credibility, attractiveness, and relatability are among the key indicators of an influencer’s ability to influence. The rise in social media has changed media consumption massively as the years have went on.

I remember waking up on the 25th of May 2020 thinking it would be another monotonous day in lockdown but it is a day that shocked millions around the world, the day George Floyd was murdered by members of the Minneapolis Police Department and the ensuing outrage as a result of this awful injustice which

Social media can be an excellent tool for outlining what your business stands for, what your over arching values are. It helps identify quickly the ideal client base to start building relationships with. Social media for business is a sustainable way to reach the right demographics, audience and keep in touch with them while increasing

Who runs the world? Influencers. It is undeniable that social media has become an obligatory part of our everyday lives. According to wearesocial.com, more than 3.8 billion people use social media in 2020. *MIND-BLOWN* A major element of modern social media is influencers. Influencers are individuals who build a following on social media, based on

For added support, just chuck a ‘Rock’ at it. Years ago, before the introduction of social media, we all relied on the information provided to us by media outlets like television, tabloid, newspapers, radio and the like to help us understand the world and form our opinions. In the present day, the reliance on these

There is likely no one on this earth who has had a life similar to David Attenborough’s. He lived through a world war, was in the navy, has a knighthood and has won countless television awards. From whales to polar bears he has seen it all. Attenborough is now 94, and still wants to help