It is becoming more apparent each day that traditional media platforms are taking a back seat in the marketing world. Although newspapers, radio and television are still prominent features within the household, the instantaneous nature of social media takes preference in delivering information to society. Whether it is a swipe up on Instagram or a

We are seeing vegan options being added to the menus of most cafes and restaurants, and the introduction of vegan brands to nearly all supermarkets. Some examples include Wicked Kitchen in Tesco, Plant Pioneers in Sainsbury’s and Plant Kitchen in M&S. With over half a million people in the UK pledging to go vegan in

I’ m sure we’ve all heard the phrase “All press is good press even bad press” before. And if not, it basically means as long as your name is in the press, your being spoken about. But in the age of ‘Cancel Culture’ can this still be the case? Cancel Culture seems to have taken

While Tiktok was launched in 2016, it has recently become extremely popular, and this popularity has allowed it to become a great advertising method for many small business who cannot afford to pay large amounts on advertising. Time and time again, we see small businesses on Tiktok going from reaching an audience of sometimes less