I am sure if you are a fashion follower of any sort, you will have seen that Pretty Little Thing products have been exposed…. The fast fashion clothing company Pretty Little Thing rarely ever has many scandals from what I have seen. They seem to just be constantly building on their reigning empire, gaining more

Lecturers always plug extra-curricular activities, don’t they?  It’s easy to nod along in agreement, making a mental note to respond to the university’s countless invitations by email but when they land there’s a deadline looming and you’re left weighing up the value of said event versus research/writing/reading. We have the rest of our lives to

“When written in Chinese, the word ‘Crisis’ is composed of two characters: One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” John F. Kennedy. This quote pokes the bear in the great debate about Celebrity PR scandals, and as we move away from the archaic belief that “All PR is good PR”, it’s clear to me

Every organisation in the world is susceptible to a crisis, it’s how an organisation handles crisis that really shows the type of organisation they are. Crisis can bring huge benefits to an organisation if handled correctly however, if an organisation does not have an effective crisis management strategy implemented, it can be detrimental to their

Reputation management is associated with many to be at the forefront of all PR communicative activities. But what happens when crisis strikes? The academic literature surrounding crisis management has detailed theories regarding how a PR practitioner should react when their organisation comes under fire. Benoit’s theory suggests deniability and often evasion of responsibility, while the