Bunratty Castle was built in 1425 by the Earl of Thomond. The Earl had a tradition of hospitality, and since 1963 that tradition has been carried on through the many Bunratty Medieval Banquets held every year in the castle. The Banquets have welcomed guests from across the world to dine in medieval style and enjoy
Year: 2018
It’s not exactly new information that since Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States, America hasn’t really improved as a nation, despite Trump’s presidential campaign slogan ‘make American great again.’ The majority of the decisions he’s made since winning the election has outraged most of the country, like his decision to ban
Reputation management is associated with many to be at the forefront of all PR communicative activities. But what happens when crisis strikes? The academic literature surrounding crisis management has detailed theories regarding how a PR practitioner should react when their organisation comes under fire. Benoit’s theory suggests deniability and often evasion of responsibility, while the
Generation Y, also known as ‘millennial’s’ are those born between 1982 and 2004. Although the delineation of who the term millennial is referring to varies, Howe and Strauss (2000) are customarily credited with coining the term and they suggest that they are born within these particular dates. This is the generation that are renowned for
“It’s a Corbyn ting” – Stormzy Grime; London’s mash up of UK garage and jungle music. Rapid, syncopated breakbeats featuring jagged electronic sounds, with a gritty lyrical depiction of urban life narrating a grungy beat. But why, in 2017, did Grime have such an impact on politics? On 18th April 2017, Teresa May called for
My name is Nicole Service and I’d like to be Ulster University’s next Campaigns and Communication Vice President. With almost three years of knowledge built up from studying my degree (Communication management and Public Relations), I feel I am equipped to talk to others confidently, run a strong campaign and have enough artist flair to
Metro World Child is an international, faith-based humanitarian organization dedicated to serving inner-city children throughout New York City and various urban centres around the world. As their slogan indicates, Metro World Child seeks on a daily basis to provide hope that promises to sustain a concrete future for boys and girls growing up in the
What do you do to boost your image and get people to talk about you? Create news. And this is exactly what the Kardashian/Jenner PR machine is talented at. You don’t have to like them, but on some level, you have to admire what this PR savvy family has done with our obsession with fame
I don’t often abuse my role as editor of this blog, but after the best night I’ve had for months (literally), I couldn’t not post some pictures of our students at their formal last night. There are far too many here with me in them, but I’ll post again in the next day or two
I don’t often abuse my role as editor of this blog, but after the best night I’ve had for months (literally), I couldn’t not post some pictures of our students at their formal last night. There are far too many here with me in them, but I’ll post again in the next day or two