Oscar Wilde once said ‘The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention’. I recognise how agonising it may feel when lecturers continue to brag about the important of volunteering in order to enhance your CV, but last summer volunteering became much more to me, much more. ‘’We are delighted to be
Tag: Author- Niamh McNally
Ever since I started to study PR and started to understand the effort that goes into creating a PR and marketing campaign, I have gained an appreciation for a campaign that can make me stop and think! For me, the campaigns I remember the most are those were companies use their platforms to highlight the
I’ve always been interested in volunteering and helping out people in my community who are in need of support, but I never thought that helping others could ever help me. For two years I volunteered with Special Olympics Ireland who are a sports organisation for people with an intellectual disability. When I was 16 I got
I began looking for somewhere to do my placement year quite late in the year …… actually really late (I don’t recommend this). But for me this was actually a blessing in disguise. I’m not the most organised person in the world and I’ve always been very laid back and easy going and whilst looking
Yes, it’s that time of year again when every major retailer in the UK battles it out to become the nation’s favourite Christmas advert. Our TVs are flooded with emotional ads guarantee to tug at your heart strings or in extreme cases make you cry. But there’s really no point trying to avoid them because