For anyone who hasn’t yet heard of the movie ‘Moana’, it is a popular Disney movie which was released in in 2016. The story follows a young Polynesian girl who befriends Maui, a rather large, tattooed demigod whose voice is played by Dwayne Johnston. They then go on to return the heart of the ocean
Tag: Author – Georgia McCalmont
It is no secret that in the news recently there has been a lot of allegations against stars in Hollywood and the emergence of the Me-Too hashtag has left a lot of people confused. Is it related? Why has my friend put it on Facebook / twitter / Instagram? Should I? I’m here to explain
My name is Georgia McCalmont and I am in final year of my Communication Management and Public Relations course. I have decided to write this post to inform other mums who may feel like taking the plunge back into full-time education of how I got to here and also to encourage them that if I can