CHRISTMAAAAASSSSSS is undoubtably my most favourite time of the year! The Christmas Markets are up, the lights are on, my Christmas Tree is up and I am beyond excited!
However, for a lot of people, Christmas is also the time of year where the same dreaded annual question that is asked, day in and day out…
“What are you getting so and so for Christmas?”
Well, let your little minds be of peace whilst I provide exceptional gift ideas at exceptional prices for all your loved ones.
Mum’s special Gifts
First things first, let’s get the important people out of the way, Mums. Don’t know about you guys, but my Mum is the ‘don’t spend too much on me’ type of mum. Which is something my sisters and I rarely take advantage off, because, undoubtably she deserves the best.
But let’s just say for the purpose of this post, we are all (as students are supposed to be) on budgets this Christmas.
So here are a few special ideas of what you can get your mummies at a reasonable price!
Pebble art: this particular one if from Etsy and is £12, you can also buy these locally in St. Georges Market and Studio Souk Belfast.

Favourite Sweeties hamper: This is something that can look so effective if done correctly, to purchase these are £35, but to do them yourself they can be done under £10. Simply search ‘Living Vase’ on eBay and order one for £1.65. The purchase long wooden skewers for £1 from any supermarket, and get all your mums fav snacks, arranging them into a pretty bouquet of sweets!
Divinity Bracelet: These bracelets are super cute and each purchase made, contributes a donation to charity. (Divinity Website £17)
Something Special: Not on the High Street do a large Variety of jewellery items, a lot of which are under £20. These can also be engraved which makes for a really special and personal gift for your mummy!
Dads the ‘Useful’ Gifts
Moving onto our fathers. My god, if there is a task on this earth, it is getting a gift for my dad. Probably thee most difficult person to buy for on my Christmas list. Last year I got him Pyjama bottoms as in the months prior to Christmas, he walked into the kitchen in his underwear, when I had my girlfriends staying over. So, I thought perfect gift, I’ll get him Pyjamas so we don’t have to have that awkward encounter again! He looked at me in disgust and sheer disappointment when he opened them and said;
“Pyjamas Chloe…
Needless to say, he wears them EVERY evening and my mum has to prise them off him in order to wash them. Point to moi for the perfect gift giving. Anyway, this year I am determined to get him something ‘useful,’ as he would say, which I do believe is what many dads want anyway. Here are my useful Gift Ideas for dads:
Knife Sharpener: (Amazon £10, supposedly the UKs No.1 sharpener)
Wallet: because his is literally held together with an elastic band: (Not on The Highstreet £20)
Minger wireless key finder: make sure you’re never helping him look for his car keys, TV Remote or phone, ever again with this wireless remote control tracker!(Amazon £19) *Personal Favourite Idea*
(and still getting him new jammies too)
Siblings & Friends, little and cute gifts
Next member on this gift list are my sisters, I have three. So, over the years I feel I have become an exceptional gift giver for girlies. These gifts can really be for anyone! As we are keeping a budget here, I would opt to go with a gift box/hamper sort of present. This may sound boring or like a ‘crap’ present, but you have to be smart about it. First of all, choose your box size, depending on how much you wish to spend. I will always include the same basis if things within the gift box such as;
Lush bath Bomb (£3+ Lush Cosmetics ) Candle(£4 Dunnes Stores) Jewellery trinket dish (Anthropologie £12) Cute mug/Travel mug (Dunnes Stores £5).
More cute ideas for your box include:
A photo frame/Holder with your fav photo of you both. (Oliver Bonas do the nicest! £4-£12). A diary for the new year (Paperchase £10) Joma Jewellery ‘A Littles’ Collection. These have the cutest little bracelets that are perfect for a Gift Box hamper and they include a little message with the bracelet. (Utopia Belfast or on the Joma Jewellery Website £16-£18) Little Heart Frames: Little Heart Belfast do the cutest frames which can be personalised for your requirement, with a quote or a name! these are a perfect little addition to your gift boxes! (Little Heart £12) Hairbands, depending if you’re gift receiver is a headband girl or not, there is a fab stall at St. Georges Market to fulfil all your headband needs. (St. Georges Market£15)
Younger Kids/babies
when the gift is really for the parents!
For anyone tasked with buying ‘babies first Christmas,’ or young children’s presents this year, it’s a difficult one. Realistically, are they going to remember it?…No. I would opt for a keepsake gift such as the ones shown below. These are my favourites!
Probably less fun for the children and more exciting for the parents, but a lovely gift all the same.
(Ink and Honey £12-£17)
if you’re buying for your boyfriend or your brothers then… good luck! As I’m struggling with that one myself!
In my personal opinion, the most important thing about gift giving, is all in the wrapping of the presents.
“May no present be too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love”- L.Baird
This little quote emphasis’ that we don’t have to be spending loads of money this Christmas, it is intact the thought that counts…just make that thought a good one!
To finish off;
My top 10 shops for Christmas Shopping shops:
- Anthropologie
- Sóstrene Grene
- Paperchase
- Oliver Bonas
- Lush Cosmetics
- Dunnes Stores
- Amazon (online)
- Etsy (online)
- Not On The Highstreet (online)
Chloe Hood is a final year Bsc in Communication Management and Public Relations student at Ulster University. She can be found at – Twitter: @chloekathryn4 and Linkedin: