I am the last person you will find saying anything negative about Christmas, but this there is something that annoys me every year. Does Christmas seem to come earlier each year? Like seriously, we haven’t even celebrated Halloween and the majority of supermarkets have their Christmas isles stocked with this year’s festive food and decorations.

Through my job as a publicity assistant and content creator in a local PR company, it’s safe to say I’ve learnt a thing or two about creating social media content for clients. That being said before I started my job, I only had experience with one or two of these tools and have learnt on

  This is blogger, and former PR student, Orlagh Shanks (22), who runs the blog https://orlaghclaire.com/, where she talks all things PR related happening in the world from day to day. She also discusses all sorts of life experience topics, such as being a student, living in different cities of the world and general lifestyle

Words I associate with a Princess; ‘compassionate’, ‘selfless’, ‘humble’ Words associated with Meghan Markle; ‘fake’, ‘hypocrite’, ‘manipulating monster’ I might be basing my associations off the entire range of Disney princess movies but we all know these malicious words should not define a member of the Royal family. These are only a few of the