Chris Love, a leading Public Relations Practitioner in NI and founder of LOVE PR, offers some insight into his views on what makes a good public relations campaign and some advice for new practitioners entering into the world of PR. About Chris Chris Love is a Fellow of the CIPR and a Chartered Public Relations
Author: laurentoal
As with anywhere in Ireland, Armagh City is riddled with urban legends and tall tales about years gone before. A conversation in the hairdressers got us talking about some of the most popular stories that haunt children and adults alike that have been passed down the years…. The Green Lady Between the bricks of a
A doting godmother to a 3-year-old boy, I am constantly amused and intrigued by Jude (biased I know). Whether it be his fascination currently with thinking the word ‘poo poo head’ is so funny or his constant questioning of EVERYTHING, he definitely has a fresh and light hearted look on the world. Which got me