There are currently around 850, 000 people living with Dementia in the UK. Dementia knows no boundaries, no age limits, no race, and no gender. The youngest person to ever be diagnosed with Dementia in the UK was 6… Yes! 6 years old! Whilst on my placement with Radius Housing, at the request of John
Author: jennymartin95
Yup that’s right, who would be mad enough to cycle from Ireland to Australia? Definitely not me!! My good friend David Stanbridge, AKA Stanner’s has always had a keen interest in traveling and adventures, what better adventure to go on than cycling around the world! This blog really won’t do Stanners’ trip much justice,
After completing a year’s placement with Fold/Radius Housing I decided that I deserved a break before starting what was going to be the toughest educational year of my life so far, with deadlines coming at me left right and centre and no time to have a break in between. For the past few years I had