As I sit here on a gloomy afternoon thinking back to my amazing summer spent in California, I have never related to a song so much. After spending six weeks working as a camp counsellor at a summer camp in Berkeley, just outside of San Francisco with weekend trips to Yosemite National Park, Lake Tahoe,
Author: carlamccloskey
There are many things I am thankful for growing up but the main one is being brought up by a family utterly obsessed with our national games. From the young age of five, I was sent out on a Saturday morning to the underage Camogie training and it was just great being let loose out
If you are a final year student I am assuming you form part of the majority of people who are not too sure what they wish to do after graduating. With deadlines for the large organisations’ graduate schemes drawing close, I am beginning to feel a little over-whelmed. Do I want to apply for these